高 巍

2016-11-29 文字:  点击:[]




研究方向: 计算数学(微分方程数值解)

邮箱: gaow@imu.edu.cn


2006/9 - 2009/7,中国科学技术大学,计算数学,博士

1999/9 - 2002/9,欧冠体育手机版官网,应用数学,硕士

1995/9 - 1999/7,欧冠体育手机版官网,计算数学,学士


2010/7 - 至今,欧冠体育手机版官网,欧冠体育手机版官网,副教授

2002/9 - 2010/6,欧冠体育手机版官网,欧冠体育手机版官网,讲师



[1] Gao Wei , Li Hong, Liu Yang and Wei Xiaoxi, A Padé compact high-order finite volume scheme for nonlinear schrödinger equations. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2014, 85: 115-127 (SCI)

[2]Gao Wei , Li Hong and Liu Yang, A high resolution NV/TVD Hermite polynomial upwind scheme for convection-dominated problems. Math. Methods in Appl. Sci. 2013, 36: 1107-1122 (SCI)

[3]Gao Wei, Li Hong, Liu Yang, Jian Yong-jun, An Oscillation-free High Order TVD/CBC-based Upwind Scheme for Convection Discretization. Numerical Algorithms, 2012, 59: 29-50 (SCI)

[4]Gao Wei , Cao Bin , Liu Yang and Li Hong, A high-order nvd/tvd-based polynomial upwind scheme for the modified burgers’ equations. Adv. Appl. Math. Mech., 2012, 5: 617-635 (SCI)

[5]Gao Wei, Li Hong, Liu Ruxun, An unstructured finite volume projection method for pulsatile flows through an asymmetric stenosis. Journal of Engineering Mathematics 2012, 72: 125-140 (SCI)

[6] Gao Wei, Liu Ruxun, Li Hong, A hybrid vertex-centered finite volume/element method for viscous incompressible flows on non-staggered unstructured meshes. Acta Mechanica Sinica 2012: 28 (2) : 1–11 (SCI)


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